To help you make the important decision as to when you may worship with us in person, we continue to let you know about the attendance on Sunday mornings. Last Sunday there were 80 at 9 a.m. and 110 at 10:45 a.m. The increase was due, in part, to the presence of Allegiance. We continue to see new faces in the worship services on campus. If you are still tuning in online, thank you for your continued faithfulness. You are missed!


We had several families to join us in Building B for live streaming at 10:45 a.m. You may feel more comfortable in a smaller room with less people. We continue to enjoy singing in the open air in the courtyard after the sermon. Some of our dear friends are wearing masks or face coverings, while others are not. Thank you for respecting the distance and safety of others.


As you know, a few Sunday School classes have started meeting on campus. Below you will find information about when and where they meet.


Something new will be coming your way in the coming weeks. Covid-19 and the shutdown have changed that way our nation temporarily does things. We have had to make some temporary changes here at Amelia Baptist as well. We are a congregationalist system of government. We value your wisdom and input. Yet, out of necessity, we have not been able to meet to make important decisions. We, elders, have been meeting each week via zoom to seek God and discuss, “What’s next?” We desire to understand what will glorify Christ and benefit his people here at Amelia Baptist. So, throughout these last several months we have sought God’s leadership and made decisions that, under normal circumstances, we would have brought before the congregation for discussion and approval. We know that some of our most faithful members are also some of our most vulnerable members. Until we can meet to vote on important decisions, we will be asking you, in a survey, to tentatively confirm some of the decisions we needed to make during these strange times. Your voice is important to us and we look forward to hearing from you.



Pastor Neil