Your church cares for you. We pray for you and want more of Christ for each soul in our faith family. Our aim is to serve you and yours tirelessly during this time of national crisis. In the interest of public safety, and as a display of love of neighbor, Amelia Baptist Church is making the following decisions and recommendations:

In response to our leadership meeting yesterday and in accordance to the recommendation of the CDC, and until further notice we will not be gathering together in person. We will be creative to provide worship and Bible study opportunities at regularly appointed times with live-streaming capability and other recording methods. Streaming will be available LIVE on Facebook and YouTube on the Amelia Baptist Church pages/channels at 10:30 am, Sunday mornings. The website and regular emails will keep families informed with included weblinks. If you would like to be added to our church email distribution list please email your information to

These dates, as of right now, include:
Sunday, March 22nd
Sunday, March 29th

All other ministry events are suspended through March 29th and we will reevaluate at that time as we have more information.
These ministries/events include:

Sunday School
Worship Choir
Community Choir
Allegiance Student Choir
Men’s/Ladies’ Ensembles
Counter Culture Student Ministry
Children’s Discipleship & Music Ministries (Sundays, Wednesdays)
SonBeams Monday Mornings
Play & Praise Monday Mornings
Ladies’ Bible Studies
Men’s Bible Studies
Wednesday Night Dinner
Wednesday Night Prayer Group
Amelia’s Got Talent (postponed)
CBS, Classical Conversations and any other “pick up & go ministries” on our campus.

Our Sunday School Director Bob Weaver will send an email later today to offer suggestions for our Sunday School/Small Group leaders in efforts to continue biblical discipleship and connection through other outlets during this time of quarantine.

If you are in need or unable to leave your home, we have young families wanting to aide you and your family at this time. Please let us know what we can do for you at by filling out one of our contact forms and clicking SUBMIT. We want to make sure everyone is accounted for and cared for during this time of great uncertainty. Please expect to hear from our ministers of mercy in the near future.

Giving: Please visit for tithe and offering needs if you and your family have plans to stay in your home. You do not need a PushPay app to tithe online. All giving can be done through our church website. If you would still prefer tithing by envelope, the church will continue to have scheduled office hours in groups less than 10 until further notice.

As Christians, we are a people of faith, but it is a faith that is grounded in godly wisdom, not worldly fears. As a faith family, we are being given instructions and guidelines on personal hygiene, travel, and levels of susceptibility to the Coronavirus based on age and condition. We must demonstrate faith-filled caution and wisdom as we walk through this together, anxious to be together again on the other side.

These instructions include only the ministries taking place on church grounds and under the jurisdiction of church staff. You are responsible for the level of social distancing you and your family find comfortable and necessary. Your pastors will be here for you no matter what. Please pray for us as we will continue to pray for you. God is good all the time, all the time God is good!

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”


Pastor H. Neil Helton
Pastor Adam Page