Friends, you are invited to Amelia on Good Friday, April 2nd, at 5pm or 7pm for a special service. These events have become an annual Holy Week tradition and have been well attended since their inception in 2005.

We have selected inspiring music for quartets, duets, soloists, and small chorale. We are looking forward to sharing these classical anthems, spirituals, traditional hymns, and contemporary hymns with our community this year. These songs clearly convey God’s love revealed on the Cross, and the musical settings speak to the heart.

This special Good Friday service will feature scripture narrations from the Gospels that portray the hours prior to the crucifixion of Christ. The talented, professional instrumentalists are Gail McCamy (piano) and Carol Whitman (violin). This special Tenebrae service is a gift to our community. For more info, message me or call Amelia Baptist Church at 904-261-9527.


Pam Helton