Last week was my first pastoral letter concerning reopening our worship services. It was a blessing to worship together again with those who were comfortable in attending our services. We had about 70 people present at 9 a.m. and about the same number at 10:45 a.m. It was a joy to know that we had a good number to join us via streaming as well. Thank you all for your continued faithfulness.
Just a reminder: PHASE 1 PROTOCOLS ARE ONLY FOR A SHORT TIME. PHASE 2 WILL HAVE RELAXED PROTOCOLS; BUT THERE WILL BE SOME. This brings me to another topic. While the government may have its phases and the churches as organizations may have their own phases, EACH INDIVIDUAL WILL HAVE HIS/HER OWN PHASES; THAT IS, EACH MUST MOVE ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN INNER SENSE OF COMFORT AND CONVICTION. To that end, we all need to keep in mind the feelings of others as we move about in the building. Some of our dear friends will be wearing masks or face coverings, while others will not. We need to respect the distance of others. Safely enjoy your fellowship with one another.
As we have mentioned, we continue to meticulously clean and sanitize the areas of our buildings we are using.
It was a joy to see friends spending time with each other outside before and after the services.
We have devised an imperfect plan for special seating in the auditorium to maximize your safety and capacity. There are signs on the back of rows encouraging you to respect distancing between families. We are asking you to keep three chairs between family units; however, if you socialize with others in different venues or in your homes, feel free to invite them to sit with you. While there is no exact science to these seating suggestions, it would be helpful if you would consider the suggested seating.
Thank you for keeping the aisles and doorways clear so that others feel safe as they walk to their seats. After the sermon, please exit the doors nearest you in an orderly manner to join us for singing together in the courtyard.
Thank you for your prayers during these strange times. I love you and I look forward to being with you again.
Pastor Neil