We want you to know that your church leadership is aware of the outbreak in Nassau County and we are taking the proper precautions to protect those of us still gathering together. The good news? As of right now our church is not dealing with an outbreak, just a couple isolated cases. We want to do our best to keep it that way! Over the last month, our church has added 4 families in membership and every Sunday brings new visitors! We cannot wait to have everyone together again, but before that happens may we walk in wisdom and obedience together in the Spirit.

We have two services every Sunday morning, 9:00am and (new time) 10:35am! We go LIVE no later than 10:45am every Sunday for those participating from home! We are thankful for the technological capabilities that allow those at home to continue worshipping alongside their church family! With 200 seats on the floor, less attend the first service than the second if you are desiring more physical distancing.

Precautions we are taking: Our Building Manager Stephen Henslee is using Purtabs to sanitize and disinfect the buildings weekly. Purtabs is an electronic and chemical spray capable of killing viruses on hard and soft services.

In addition, we have asked each Sunday School teacher and Small Group leader to communicate with their classes. They will garner health conditions and comfort levels moving forward into the Fall.

Our fellowship dinners will not start August 18th, the date is TBA based on an evaluation every two weeks.

All singing in the worship service will continue to be conducted at the end of the worship services!

Masks are available at our Welcome Center for anyone who wants to wear one, specifically in Sunday School or Small Group.

Our Fall Wednesday Night Student and Children’s Ministries will begin on August 18th but, as is everything, this is subject to change. Everything else on our calendar (communicated via website, social networks, mass email, welcome desk and church bulletin) is tentative.

We thank each of you for your mercy, grace and patience with your staff, Elders and fellow church members. It is vital we be a people of grace now more than ever!

We are asking you to commit to the following out of a love for your brothers and sisters:

Individuals who are ill, with cold symptoms, or have been exposed to someone who is ill in the past week are respectfully asked to avoid enclosed gatherings at this time.

Approach each and every person with the consideration they are practicing safe social distancing during the rise of the Delta Variant in the state of Florida.

Pray for one another fervently! Check in on one another until you can come to weekly corporate worship face to face! Now is the time to be the church! If you can come Sunday, we cannot wait to see you as we celebrate the love of our Savior Jesus Christ! God bless!

In Christ Alone,

The Elders of Amelia Baptist Church