To our Brothers and Sisters at Amelia Baptist Church,

COVID is here to stay. We cannot predict the future, only comment on our present reality. We want to remain helpful, transparent and prayerful as we continue to gather together for corporate worship.

In the last 4 weeks, our church family has experienced an increased number of positive cases. For this reason, worship choir is on hiatus and all singing will take place at the end of the worship services, until we are able to reevaluate our situation in two weeks. As we continue to meet for Sunday morning worship and our Sunday classes, we hope our Amelia Baptist Church family will consider the following in the Spirit of Christ Jesus our Lord:

1) If you are exhibiting COVID symptoms, we hope you will continue worshipping with us LIVE at 1045am, available on our YouTube and Facebook pages.

2) If anyone in your household is exhibiting these symptoms, we hope you will continue worshipping with us LIVE at 1045am, available on our YouTube and Facebook pages.

3) The first service is less attended than our second service. There is more room for distancing for those more concerned.

This will help us stay connected in discipleship and mission! God has carried us so far and we are grateful for His mercy and grace! God bless!

In Christ Alone,

Amelia Baptist Church Elders and Staff